Professor Gavin J. Andrews

Health Geographies

Professor Gavin J. Andrews is a leading health geographer based in the Department of Health, Aging and Society at McMaster University in Canada. His wide-ranging interests including the dynamics between space/place and: aging, holistic medicine, health care work, phobias, sports and fitness, health histories and popular music. Much of his work is positional and considers the progress, state-of-the-art and future of health geography. In recent years he has developed an interest in the potential of non-representational theory to animate the liveliness and ‘taking place’ of health.


Andrews G J, Duff C, Woodward K (2025) Whole onflow: processes of worlds materializing. Routledge (forthcoming)
Andrews G J, Rowland E, Peter E (2021) Place and Professional Practice: the Geographies in Healthcare Work. Springer
Andrews, GJ, Crooks V, Pearce J, Messina, J (eds) (2021) COVID-19 and Similar Futures: Pandemic Geographies. Springer
Savelli M, Gillett J, Andrews G J (eds) (2020) An Introduction to Mental Health and Illness: Critical Perspectives. Oxford University Press
Skinner M, Andrews G J, Cutchin M (eds) (2018) Geographical Gerontology: Perspectives, Concepts, Approaches. Routledge
Crooks V, Andrews G J, Pearce J (eds) (2018) Routledge Handbook of Health Geography. Routledge
Andrews G J (2018) Non-Representational Theory & Health: the Health in Life in Space-Time Revealing. Routledge
Brown T, Andrews G J, Cummins S, Greenhough B, Lewis D, Power A (2017) Health Geographies: a Critical Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell (in press)
Gillett J, Andrews G J, Savelli M (eds) (2016) Health & Society: Critical Perspectives. Oxford University Press
Andrews G J, Kingsbury P, Kearns R A (eds) (2014). Soundscapes of Wellbeing in Popular Music. Ashgate
Adams J,Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P. (eds) (2012) Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An International Reader. Palgrave MacMillan
Crooks V andAndrews G J(eds) (2009) Primary Health Care: People, Practice, Place. Ashgate
Sahoo A K,Andrews G JRajan I (eds) (2008), Sociology of Ageing: A Reader, Rawat Publications
Andrews, G. J.& Phillips, D. R. (eds) (2005) Ageing and Place: Perspectives, Policy, Practice. Routledge
Phillips, D. R. &Andrews, G. J.(1998). Spatial Health Research in Africa: a review of the recent literature. World Health Organisation 98.1

Journal Special Issues

Andrews G J and Rishworth (2023) New theoretical terrains in geographies of wellbeing: more-than-human and more-than-representational elements, processes and registers of wellbeing. Wellbeing, Space and Society
Power, A., Bell, S. L., Kyle, R. G., & Andrews, G. J. (2019) ‘Hopeful adaptation’ in health geographies. Social Science & Medicine. 231
Andrews G Jand Elliott, S (2011) Health geography in Steel City: selected research from the XIII International Symposium in Medical Geography, Hamilton, Ontario Social Science and Medicine 72, 3,
Andrews G Jand Curtis S (2009) Selected research from the XII International Symposium in Medical Geography, Bonn Germany. Social Science and Medicine, 68, 4,
Andrews G J(2005) The importance of place in older peoples care International Journal of Older People Nursing 14

Critical Geographies of Health: Positional & Disciplinary Statements

What does contemporary health geography do empirically, theoretically and methodologically? What directions is it taking, or should it be taking?
Andrews G J (2024) Health Geography. in Cockerham, W., Gabe, J., Quah, S. R. and Ryan M The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior and Society (second edition). Wiley-Blackwell.
Andrews G J (2024) Pandemic Geographies. in Cockerham, W., Gabe, G., Quah, S. R. and Ryan M The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior and Society (second edition). Wiley-Blackwell.
Andrews, G. J., & Rishworth, A. (2023) New theoretical terrains in geographies of wellbeing: key questions of the posthumanist turn. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 100130.
Andrews G J (2023) Geography, health and wellbeing: from ancient Greece to COVID-19 Geography Review 37,
Andrews G J and Duff C (2022) Opening out ageing: on the entropy of all things Transactions Institute British Geographers 47, 3, 666-681
Gorman R and Andrews G J (2022) What role for more-than-representational, more-than-human inquiry in Rosenberg M, Lovell, S and Coen S Handbook of Methodologies in Human Geography. Routledge
Andrews, G. J., Gorman, R., Duff, C., & Woodward, K. (2022) Speed and space: rates of motion in health and wellbeing. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 100112.
Kearns R and Andrews G J (2021) Place in health, illness and health care. In Chamberlain K and Lyons A. Routledge international handbook of critical issues in health and illness. Routledge
Andrews, GJ, Crooks V, Pearce J, Messina J (2021) Introduction: COVID-19 and new pandemic geographies Andrews, GJ, Crooks V, Pearce J COVID-19 and Similar Futures: Pandemic Geographies. Springer
Andrews, G. J. (2021) Bios and arrows: On time in health geographies. Geography Compass, 15(4), e12559.
Andrews G J (2021) Re-imagining world: from human health in the world to ‘all-world health’ Health & Place 71, 102620.
Andrews G J (2020) Health geographies III: More-than-representational pushes and expressions. Progress in Human Geography 44(5), 991-1003.
Andrews G J and Duff C (2020) Whole onflow, the productive event: an articulation through health. Social Science and Medicine 113498
Andrews G J and Duff C (2020) Enrolling bodies, feasting on space: how wellbeing serves the forms and flows of a new capitalism. Wellbeing, Space & Society 100004
Asker, C, & Andrews, G J (2020) The understated turn: emerging interests and themes in Canadian posthumanist geography. The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien. 64, 4 551-563
Andrews G J (2019) Health geographies II: The posthuman turn. Progress in Human Geography 43, 6, 1109-1119
Andrews G J and Duff C (2019) Matter beginning to matter: On posthumanist understandings of the vital emergence of health. Social Science and Medicine 226, 123-134.
Crooks V, Andrews, G J, Pearce J, Snyder M (2018) Introducing the Routledge Handbook of Health Geography. In Crooks V, Andrews G J, Pearce J (eds) Routledge handbook of health geography. Routledge
Andrews, G J (2018) Health geographies I: The presence of hope. Progress in Human Geography, 42, 5, 789-798
Andrews G J (2017) Relocating, reforming and providing health care in Brown T, Andrews G J, Cummins S, Greenhough B, Lewis D, Power A Health Geographies: a Critical Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell
Andrews G J (2017) Landscapes of wellbeing in Brown T, Andrews G J, Cummins S, Greenhough B, Lewis D, Power A Health Geographies: a Critical Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell
Andrews G J (2017) Health and place in Brown T, Andrews G J, Cummins S, Greenhough B, Lewis D, Power A Health Geographies: a Critical Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell
Brown T, Andrews G J, Cummins S, Greenhough B, Lewis D, Power A (2017) Introduction. in Brown T, Andrews G J, Cummins S, Greenhough B, Lewis D, Power A Health Geographies: a Critical Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell
Andrews G J (2016) From post-game interrogations to play-by-play animations: engaging the life we are missing. British Medical Journal
Andrews G J (2016) Reinventing qualitative research. British Medical Journal 352:i1468
Andrews, G J, Gillett, J and Voros G (2016) Introduction to critical health studies. In Gillett J, Andrews G J, Savelli M (eds) Health & Society: Critical Perspectives. Oxford University Press
Grenier A, Andrews, G J, Savelli, M, Gillett, J (2016) Disciplinarity in health studies. In Gillett J, Andrews G J, Savelli M (eds) Health & Society: Critical Perspectives. Oxford University Press
Andrews G J. (2015). The lively challenges and opportunities of non-representational theory
Andrews G J (2014) Health Geography. in Brown T et al (eds) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society Blackwell
Andrews G J Chen D, Myers S (2014) The taking place of health and wellbeing: towards non-representational theory Social Science and Medicine 108, 210-222
Andrews, G. J. (2014). Co-creating healths lively, moving frontiers: Brief observations on the facets and possibilities of non-representational theory. Health & Place,30, 165-170.
Andrews G J, Evans J, Dunn J, Masuda J (2012) Arguments in health geography: on sub-disciplinary progress, observation, translation Geography Compass, 6, 6, 351-383
Kearns R and Andrews G J (2009) Geographies of wellbeing in Smith S. Pain, R., Marston, S. A., & Jones III, J. P. P. (Eds.)..The SAGE handbook of social geographies. SAGE.
Andrews G J (2008) Place and space in qualitative research. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods. SAGE
Andrews G Jand Evans J (2008) Understanding the reproduction of health care: towards geographies in health care work. Progress in Human Geography 32, 6, 759-780
Andrews G J, Sudwell, M & Sparkes A (2005) Towards a geography of fitness: an ethnographic case study of the gym in bodybuilding culture Social Science & Medicine 60, 877-891

Geographies of Music and Health

How are health and place implicated in the production and consumption of music, ranging from the spread of particular genres and traditions to the use of affective soundscapes?
Andrews G J (2024) Björk to Morton to Aphex Twin: music as a positive hyperobject. New Zealand Geographer (in press)
Kearns R, Andrews G J, Dunn, J (2019) Placing narrative and metaphor in the flow of contemporary music: PJ Harvey’s The Community of Hope. In Farquhar, S, Fitzpatrick E. Innovations in narrative and metaphor - methodologies and practices. Springer
Andrews G J (2016) Soundscapes. In Richardson et al International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology Wiley -AAG
Andrews G J and Drass E (2016) From The Pump to Senescence: Two musical acts of more-than-representational acting into and building new life. In Fenton N and Baxter J Practicing qualitative research in health geography. Ashgate.
Andrews, G J Kingsbury P , Kearns R (2014) Introducing the dynamics between popular music, health and place in Andrews, G J Kingsbury P , Kearns R Soundscapes of wellbeing in popular music. Ashgate
Andrews G J (2014) Gonna live forever: Noel Gallaghers spaces of wellbeing in Andrews, G J Kingsbury P , Kearns R Soundscapes of wellbeing in popular music. Ashgate
Andrews G J (2014) A force from the beginning: wellbeing in the affective intensities of pop music. Aporia 6, 4, 6-18
Andrews G J, Kearns R A, Kingsbury, P, Carr E (2011) Cool aid? Health and place in the work of Bono and U2 Health and Place 17, 185-194

Geographies of Sports and Fitness

How are space and place central to sports and fitness activities and cultures? In what ways might this neglected empirical sub-field be expanded and enriched?
Andrews G J, Griffin M, Phoenix C (2024) Speed as an expression and texture of space: theory at play in a movement activity Environment and Planning F (in press)
Andrews G J (2020) Sports in Kobayashi A The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography Elsevier, Oxford
Norman M, and Andrews G J (2019) The folding of sport space into carceral space: on the making of prisoner’s experiences and lives. The Canadian Geographer 63(3), 453-465.
Andrews G J (2017) From post-game to play-by-play: animating sports movement-space. Progress in Human Geography 41, 6, 766-794
Andrews G J (2016) Extending the field of play: revealing the dynamics between sports, health and place: Social Science & Medicine 168 1-6
Andrews G J, Hall E, Evans, B Colls R (2012) Moving beyond walkability: on the potential of health geography Social Science & Medicine, 75, 11, 1925-1932
Andrews G J, Sudwell, M & Sparkes A (2005) Towards a geography of fitness: an ethnographic case study of the gym in bodybuilding culture Social Science & Medicine 60, 877-891
Andrews, J. P. & Andrews, G. J. (2003) Life in a Secure Unit: the rehabilitation of young `people though the use of sport. Social Science & Medicine, 56, 531-550

Historical Geographies of Health and Wellbeing

How do health issues surface differently throughout the histories of places? How are places represented through these health histories, and how are they recalled and told?
Andrews, G J and Wilson V (2019) Sensing health and wellbeing through oral histories: the ‘tip and run’ air attacks on a British coastal town 1939-44. In Atkinson S and Hunt R Geohumanities and health. Springer
Andrews G J (2017) The relational making of people and place: the case of the Teignmouth WWII Homefront. Ageing & Society 37, 4, 725-752
Deverteu J and Andrews G J (2007) The subtle and fragile therapeutic landscapes of the Soviet Gulag in Williams A Therapeutic Landscapes: Advances and Applications. Ashgate
Andrews G J, Kearns R A, Kontos P, Wilson V (2006) "Their finest hour": older people, older people, oral histories and the historical geography of social life Social and Cultural Geography, 7, 2, 153-179
Andrews, G. J & Kearns R. A. (2005) Everyday health histories and the making of place: the case of an English coastal town Social Science and Medicine 60, 2697-2713

Geographies of Fear and Apprehension

How and why do certain places provoke negative associations and feelings, being tolerated, feared, tactically navigated or avoided?
Kearns R A, Moon G and Andrews G J (2024) A sense of community within a site of amplified stigma: The strange case of Spookers in Steele L and Punzi E Sites of conscience and the unfinished project of deinstitutionalization: place, memory and social justice’ UBC Press
Gombay N and Andrews G J (2021) Living with embodied vibrations: Sensory experiences following a traumatic brain injury Social Science & Medicine 284, 114233.
Andrews, G J, Chen, S, Holmes, D (2020) Anxiety disorders in Savelli, M, Gillett, J and Andrews G J An introduction to mental health and illness: critical perspectives. Oxford
Savelli, M, Gillett, J, Andrews G J Kates N (2020) Conceptualizing mental health and illness in Savelli, M, Gillett, J and Andrews G J An introduction to mental health and illness: critical perspectives. Oxford
Andrews G J (2019) Spinning, hurting, still, afraid: living life spaces with Type I Chiari Malformation Social Science and Medicine 231, 13-21
Andrews, G. J. (2011) I had to go to the hospital and it was freaking me out: needle phobic encounter space. Health and Place 17, 4, 875-84.
Andrews G J and Shaw D (2010) So we started talking about a beach in Barbados: Visualization practices and needle phobia. Social Science and Medicine 71, 1804-1810
Andrews G J (2007) Spaces of dizziness and dread: navigating acrophobia GeografiskaAnnaler, Series B: Human Geography, 4, 307-317
Andrews G J & Chen S (2006) The production of tyrannical space. Childrens Geographies 4, 2, 239-251

Health Geographies at the Margins

How does health play out for people and in places typically left off the map of formal scholarship; often those vulnerable, disadvantaged, marginalised or ignored?
Isaranuwatchai W, Guerriere DN, Andrews G J, Coyte PC (2013) Two years post-Tsunami in Thailand: who still needs assistance? International Health 5, 106-118.
Cortinois, A A Glazier R H Caidi, N Andrews, GJ Herbert-Copley, M Jadad, A (2012) Torontos 2-1-1 healthcare services for immigrant populations American Journal of Preventive Medicine 43, s475-482
Bender A, Andrews G J, Peter E (2010) Displacement and Tuberculosis: recognition in nursing care. Health and Place 16, 6, 1069-1076
Andrews G Jand Kingsbury P (2008) Geographical reflections on Sir Edmund Hillary 1919-2008. New Zealand Geographer 64, 177-180
Andrews G J and Holmes D (2007) Gay bathhouses: Transgressions of health in therapeutic places in Williams A Therapeutic Landscapes: Advances and Applications. Ashgate
MacDonnell, J & Andrews G J. (2006) Placing sexuality in health policies: feminist geographies and public health nursing GeoJournal 65, 349-364
Gastaldo, D., Andrews, G. J. & Khanlou, N. (2004) Therapeutic landscapes of the mind: theorizing some intersections of health geography, health promotion and immigration studies. Critical Public Health 14, 2, 157-176
Mahon-Daly, P. & Andrews, G. J. (2002) Liminality and breastfeeding: women negotiating space and two bodies. Health and Place 8, 2, 61-76.

Geographies of Health Care Work

How are heath care settings constructed, experienced, identified with, acted and represented by individuals and groups with different roles, powers, agendas and relationships?
Andrews G J (2020) Working social assemblages: towards a new geography of social work. Geography Compass 14(1), e12475
Castro, A., & Andrews, G J (2018) Nursing lives in the blogosphere: A thematic analysis of anonymous online nursing narratives. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(2), 329-338.
Kyle, R. G., Atherton, I. M., Kesby, M., Sothern, M., & Andrews, G J (2016) Transfusing our lifeblood: Reframing research impact through inter-disciplinary collaboration between health geography and nurse education. Social Science & Medicine, 168, 257-264.
Andrews G J (2016) Geographical thinking in nursing inquiry, part one: locations, contents, meanings. Nursing Philosophy 17, 4, 262-281
Andrews G J (2017) Geographical thinking in nursing inquiry, part two: performance, possibility and non-representational theory Nursing Philosophy 18, 2, e12137
McBride M, andAndrews G J(2013) The transition from acute care to home: a review of issues in discharge teaching and a framework for better practice Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 23(3):18-24.
Harris A, McGillis Hall L, Peterson J, Price S, , Lalonde M,Andrews G J & McDonald Rencz S (2013) LPN perspectives on factors that affect nurse mobility in Canada Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership 26, 70-78
Price S, McGillis Hall L, Lalonde M,Andrews G J, Harris A & McDonald Rencz S (2013) Factors that influence career decisions in Canadas nurses Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership 26, 61-69
Lalonde M, McGillis Hall L, Price S,Andrews G J, Harris A & McDonald Rencz S (2013) Support and access for nursing continuing education in Canadian work environments Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership 26, 51-60
Andrews G J, McGillis Hall L, Price S, Lalonde M, Harris A & McDonald Rencz S (2013) Mapping Nurse Mobility with GIS: Career Movements from Two Canadian Provinces mobility Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership 26, 41-49
McGillis Hall J, Peterson J, Price S,Andrews G J, Lalonde M, Johnson S, Harris A & McDonald Rencz S (2013) I was never recruited: challenges in cross-Canada nurse mobility Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership 26, 29-40
Rycroft-Malone J, Wilkinson J E, Burton C R,Andrews G J, Ariss S, Baker R, Dopson S,5 Graham I, Harvey G, Martin G, McCormack B G, Staniszewska S, and Thompson C (2011). Implementing health research through academic and clinical partnerships: a realistic evaluation of the Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) Implementation Science 6, 74
Bender A, Peter E, Wynn F,Andrews G J, Pringle D (2011) Welcome intrusions: an interpretive phenomenological study of TB nurses relational work. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 48, 11, 1409-1419
Liaschenko L, Peden-McAlpine C,Andrews G J(2011) Institutional geographies in dying: nurses actions and observations on dying spaces inside and outside intensive care units. Health and Place, 17, 3, 814-821
Andrews G Jand Shaw D (2010) So we started talking about a beach in Barbados: Visualization practices and needle phobia. Social Science and Medicine 71, 1804-1810
Bender A,Andrews G J, Peter E (2010) Displacement and Tuberculosis: recognition in nursing care. Health and Place 16, 6, 1069-1076
Andrews G Jand Crooks V (2010) Geographies of primary health care. Aporia, 2, 2, 7-16
Andrews G J(2009) Global climate change: a framework for nursing action. Aporia 1, 22-29
Lapum J, Chen S, Peterson J , Leung D,Andrews G J(2009). The Place of nursing in Primary Health Care. in Crooks V and Andrews G J (eds) Primary Health Care: People, Practice, Place. Ashgate
Crooks V andAndrews G J(2009) Geographies of Primary Health Care: A Summary and Agenda in Crooks V and Andrews G J (2008) Primary Health Care: People, Practice, Place. Ashgate
Crooks V andAndrews G J(2009) Thinking geographically about primary health care. In Crooks V and Andrews G J (eds) Primary Health Care: People, Practice, Place. Ashgate
Andrews G Jand Crooks V (2009) Geographical perspectives on health care: ideas, disciplines, progress in Crooks V and Andrews G J (eds) Primary Health Care: People, Practice, Place. Ashgate
Crooks V andAndrews G J(2009) Community, equity, access: Core geographic concepts in Primary Health Care. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 10, 3 270-273
Andrews G Jand Evans J (2008) Understanding the reproduction of health care: towards geographies in health care work. Progress in Human Geography 32, 6, 759-780
Lehoux P, Poland B, Daudelin G, Holmes D andAndrews G J(2008) Emplacement and displacement of health technologies: making satellite and mobile dialysis units closer to patients. Science, Technology and Human Values 33, 3, 364-392
Andrews G Jand Shaw D (2008) Clinical geography: nursing practice and the (re)making of institutional space. Journal of Nursing Management 16, 463-473
Lehoux P, Poland B, Daudelin G,Andrews G JHolmes D (2007) Designing a better place for patients: Professional struggles surrounding satellite and mobile dialysis units. Social Science & Medicine, 65, 7, 1536-1548
Andrews G J(2006) Health and social care for environmental health realigning geographical traditions. Health and Social Care in the Community 14, 4, 281-283
Hayes L, Orchard C A, McGillis Hall, L Nincic V, O'Brien-Pallas L,Andrews G J (2006), Career intentions of nursing students and new nurse graduates: a review of the literature. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 3, 1, 1-15
Andrews G. J.(2006) Geographies of health in nursing. Health and Place 12, 1, 110-118
Andrews G J. (2006) Geography: research and teaching in nurse education Nurse Education Today 26, 545-554
Andrews G J, Brodie D, Andrews J P, Thomas G, Hillan E, Wong J, (2006) Professional roles and communications in clinical placements: nursing students perceptions and models for practice. International Journal of Nursing Studies 43, 861-874
Carolan, M and Andrews G J & Hodnett E. (2006)Writing place: a comparison of nursing research and health geography Nursing Inquiry 13, 3, 203-219
MacDonnell, J &Andrews G J.(2006) Placing sexuality in health policies: feminist geographies and public health nursing GeoJournal 65, 349-364
Andrews G Jand Kitchin R (2005) Geography and nursing: Convergence in cyberspace? Nursing Inquiry 12, 4, 316-324
Andrews G Jand Moon G (2005) Space, place and the evidence base, part two: rereading nursing environment through geographical research Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 2, 3, 142-156
Andrews G Jand Moon G (2005) Space, place and the evidence base: part one- an introduction to health geography Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 2, 2, 55-63
Poland, B., Leheux, P, Holmes , D &Andrews, G. J(2005) How place matters: unpacking technology and power in health and social care Health and Social Care in the Community 13, 2, 171-180
Andrews G J, Brodie D, Andrews J P, Thomas G, Wong J, (2005) Improving first-destination recruitment: an evaluation of three educational initiatives in London, England Journal of Nursing Management 13, 245-355
Brodie D,Andrews G J, Andrews J P , Thomas G, Wong J, Rixon L (2005) Working in London hospitals: perceptions of place in nursing students employment considerations Social Science and Medicine 61, 1867-1881
Andrews G J, Brodie D, Andrews J P, Thomas G, Wong J, (2005) Place(ment) matters: The impacts of students clinical placement experiences on their preference for first employer International Nursing Review 52, 2, 142-154
Affonso, D.,Andrews, G. J.and Jeffs, L (2004) The urban geography of SARS: paradoxes and dilemmas in Torontos healthcare. Journal of Advanced Nursing 45, 6, 1-11
Brodie D,Andrews G J, Andrews J P , Thomas G, Wong J, Rixton L (2004) Perceptions of nursing: confirmation, change and the student experience International Journal of Nursing Studies 41, 721-733
Andrews, G. J.(2003) Locating a geography of nursing: space, place and the progress of geographical thought Nursing Philosophy 4, 3, 231-248
Andrews, G. J.(2003) Nightingales Geography Nursing Inquiry, 10, 4, 270-274
Andrews, G. J.(2002) Towards a more place-sensitive nursing research: an invitation to medical and health geography. Nursing Inquiry 9, 4, 221-238.

Geographies of Aging

How and why is aging bound to environments of various forms and at various scales? What are the roles of states and private sectors in these relationships, and how do older people experience, navigate and identify with environments?
Andrews G J (2024) Geographical gerontology: knowing place in five ways in Cutchin M and Rowles G Handbook of aging and place. Routledge
Andrews G J and Hatzifilalithis S (2023) Older age in Dew K and Donovan S Encyclopedia of Health Research in the Social Sciences Edward Elgar Publishing.
Weldrick, R., Dunn, J. R., Andrews, G J., & Ploeg, J (2023) Friendly visiting programs for older people experiencing social isolation: A realist review of what works, for whom, and under what conditions. Canadian Journal on Aging 42, 4, 538-550
Griffin, M, Harvey, K, Gillett, J & Andrews, G. (2022) Writing as/about leisure: Connecting with oneself and others through creative practice Leisure Sciences 44, 7, 862-880
Andrews G J (2022) ‘All-world aging’: a gero of all things under the material press in time. The Canadian Geographer 66(1), 52-59
MacLaren A, Andrews G J (2021) Posthumanist traditions and their possibilities for rural gerontology. In Skinner M, Winterton R and Walsh, K Rural gerontology: towards a critical perspective in rural aging. Routledge
Phillips D R and Andrews, G J, (2021) Death, devastation and failure in long-term care: the need for a geographical re-engagement with the sector. In Andrews, GJ, Crooks V, Pearce J COVID-19 and Similar Futures: Pandemic Geographies. Springer
Andrews G J (2020) Ageing and health in Kobayashi A The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography Elsevier, Oxford
Andrews G J and Duff C (2019) Understanding the vital emergence and expression of aging: how matter comes to matter in gerontology’s posthumanist turn. Journal of Aging Studies 49 46-55
Grenier, A., Griffin, M., Andrews, G., Wilton, R., Burke, E., Ojembe, B., Feldman B & Papaioannou, A. (2019) Meanings and feelings of (Im) mobility in later life: Case study insights from a ‘New Mobilities’ perspective. Journal of Aging Studies 100819
Skinner M W, Andrews G J Cutchin M (2018) Introduction to geographical gerontology. In Skinner M, Andrews G J, Cutchin M (eds) (2018) Geographical gerontology: perspectives, concepts, approaches. Routledge
Andrews G J, Cutchin M P, Skinner M W (2018) Space and place in geographical gerontology. In Skinner M, Andrews G J, Cutchin M (eds) Geographical gerontology: perspectives, concepts, approaches. Routledge
Cutchin, M, Skinner, M W, Andrews G J (2018) Geographical gerontology: progress and possibilities In Skinner M, Andrews G J, Cutchin M (eds) Geographical gerontology: perspectives, concepts, approaches. Routledge
Andrews G J and Grenier A M (2018) The ever-breaking wave of everyday life: animating aging movement-space. In Katz S Aging in everyday life: materialities and embodiments. Policy Press
King, E. C., Holliday, P. J., & Andrews, G. J. (2018) Care Challenges in the Bathroom: The Views of Professional Care Providers Working in Clients’ Homes. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 37(4), 493-515.
Andrews G J and Skinner M (2015) Geography of Aging, older people in Wright J International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier 407-412
Skinner M, Cloutier D, Andrews G J. (2015). Geographies of ageing: progress and possibilities after two decades of change. Progress in Human Geography 39, 776-799
Andrews G J and Grenier A M (2015) Ageing movement as space-time: introducing non-representational theory to the geography of ageing. Progress in Geography (Chinese) 34, 12, 1512-1534
Andrews G J, Evans J and Wiles J (2013) Re-spacing and re-placing gerontology: relationality and affect Ageing and Society 33, 8, 1339-1373.
Andrews G J(2011) Beyond Knowledge Translation, towards the public scholar International Journal of Older People Nursing 6, 4, 249-250
Andrews G Jand Muzumdar T (2010) Rethinking the applied: Public gerontology, global responsibility. Journal of Applied Gerontology 29, 2, 143-154
Andrews G J, Denton M, Campbell L, McGilton K (2009) Gerontology in Canada: history, challenges, research Ageing International 34, 3, 136-153
Andrews G J, Milligan C, Phillips D R, Skinner M (2009) Geographical gerontology: mapping a disciplinary intersection. Geography Compass 3, 5, 1641-1659
Andrews G J(2009) Ageing and Health in Kitchin R, and Thrift N The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography Elsevier, Oxford
Andrews G JSahoo A K , Rajan I (2008) Introduction - Ageing: The Sociological Perspective in Sahoo A K, Rajan I and Andrews G J (eds.), Sociology of Ageing: A Reader, New Delhi: Rawat Publication.
Andrews, G J, Cutchin M, McCracken K Phillips D R, Wiles J (2007) Geographical gerontology: the constitution of a discipline. Social Science and Medicine 65, 1, 151-168
Andrews G J& Peter E (2006) Moral geographies of restraint in nursing homes. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 3, 1, 2-7
Andrews G J(2006) Managing challenging behaviour in dementia. British Medical Journal, 332, 741
Kearns R. andAndrews G J(2005) Placing ageing: positionings in the study of older people in Andrews, G. J. & Phillips, D. R. (eds) Ageing and Place: perspectives, policy and practice. Routledge
Andrews G J, McCormack B, Reed J (2005) The importance of place in older peoples care. International Journal of Older People Nursing 14, 98-99
Andrews, G. J.(2005) Residential homes: from distributions in space to the dynamics of place. in Andrews, G. J. & Phillips, D. R. (eds) Ageing and Place: perspectives, policy and practice. Routledge
Andrews, G. J.& Phillips, D. R. (2005) Geographical studies in ageing: progress and connections to social gerontology. in Andrews, G. J. & Phillips, D. R. (eds) Ageing and Place: perspectives, policy and practice. Routledge
Andrews G J, Holmes , D Poland, B., Leheux, P, Miller K-L, Pringle, D McGilton K (2005) Airplanes are flying nursing homes: geographies in the concepts and locales of gerontological nursing International Journal of Older People Nursing 14, 109-120
Willison, K.D., Andrews, G. J.(2005). The potential of public health to enhance chronic disease management. Public Health 119, 12, 1130-1132
Willison K and Andrews G J(2004) Complementary medicine and older people: past research and future directions Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery 10, 2, 80-91
Andrews, G. J.(2003) Placing the consumption of private complementary medicine: everyday geographies of older peoples use Health and Place, 9, 337-349
Andrews, G. J., Gavin, N., Begley, S., Brodie, D. (2003) Assisting friendships, combating loneliness?: users views on a befriending scheme. Ageing and Society 23, 3, 349-362
Andrews, G. J.& Phillips, D. R. (2002). Changing local geographies of private residential care for older people 1983-1999: lessons for social policy in England and Wales. Social Science and Medicine 55, 63-78.
Andrews, G. J.(2002) Private complementary medicine and older people: service use and user empowerment. Ageing and Society, 22, 343-368.
Andrews, G. J.& Phillips, D. R. (2000) Private residential care for older persons: the local impacts of care in the community reforms in England and Wales. Social Policy and Administration, 34, 2, 206-222.
Andrews, G. J.& Kendall, S. (2000) Dreams that lie in tatters: the changing fortunes of the nurses who left the NHS to own and run residential homes for elderly people. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31, 4, 900-908
Andrews, G. J.& Phillips, D. R. (2000). Moral dilemmas and the management of private residential care: the impacts of care in the community reforms in the UK. Ageing and Society 20, 5, 599-622.
Andrews, G. J.& Phillips, D. R. (1998) Markets and residential homes: Promoting efficiency or chaos? Generations Review, Sept, 1, 9-11.
Phillips, D. R. &Andrews G. J.(1996) Managing private residential care: the impacts of care in the community reforms in the UK and some issues for private homes policy in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Gerontology, 10, 2, 21-28

Geographies of Holistic Health Paradigms and Practices

Why do people seek , use and provide complementary/alternative medicine? How is place implicated in its production and consumption?
Andrews G J (2020) Alternative and complementary medicine in Kobayashi A The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography Elsevier, Oxford
DeMaio P and Andrews G J (2019) Geographies of traditional, complementary and integrative medicine. In Adams, J & et al (eds), Public Health and Health Services Research in Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: International Perspectives, Imperial College Press, London.
Andrews G J and DeMaio P (2018) Animating the ‘happening’ of complementary and integrative medicine: the potential of non-representational theory and some examples through older females’ use In Adams et al Women’s Health and Complementary and Integrative Medicine Routledge
Andrews G J, Evans J and McAllister S (2013) Creating the right therapy vibe: relational performance in holistic medicine. Social Science and Medicine 83, 99-109
Willison KD, Lindsay S, Taylor M, Schoreder H,Andrews G J(2013) CIM, aging and chronic illness: towards an inter-professional approach in primary health care in Adams J, Magin P, Broom A. (Eds) Primary Care and Complementary and Integrative Medicine: Research and Practice. London: Imperial College Press
Andrews G J, Segrott J Lui C W, Adams J (2012) The geography of complementary and alternative medicine. In Adams J, Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P. Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An International Reader. London. Palgrave MacMillan
Andrews G J, Adams J, Segrott J, Lui C W (2012) The profile of complementary and alternative medicine users and reasons for complementary and alternative medicine use In Adams J, Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P. Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An International Reader. London. Palgrave MacMillan
Adams J,Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P. (2012) Introduction to Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine In Adams J, Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P. Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An International Reader. London. Palgrave MacMillan
Andrews G Jand Shaw D (2012) Place visualization: conventional or unconventional practice? Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 18, 1, 43-48
Andrews G Jand Mackreth P (2012) Age, sex, disease, ethnicity et al are complementary therapies reaching the parts? Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 18, 1, 2-3
Andrews G J, Adams J and Segrott J (2011) Mdecine complmentaire et alternative: production et consummation. In S Flueret ed Sant et gographie : Nouveaux regards Economica Anthropos
Andrews G J, Adams J and Segrott J (2010) Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM): production and consumption in Brown, T,McLafferty S and Moon G A companion to health and medical geography. Blackwell
Andrews G J(2009) Complementary and Alternative Medicine in The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography Elsevier, Oxford
Lewis S andAndrews G J(2009) Climate change and health: Priorities for the CAM community Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 15, 1-4
Willison K, Williams P,Andrews GJ(2007) Enhancing chronic disease management: a review of key issues and strategies. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 13, 4, 232-239
Andrews G J& Kingsbury P (2007) The plaice of language. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 13, 1-3
Andrews G J(2006) Encouraging additional research capacity as an intellectual enterprise: Extending Ernsts engagement. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 12, 1, 13-17
Andrews G. J. (2005) Addressing efficiency: economic evaluation and the agenda for CAM research Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 11, 4, 253-261
Willison, K.D., Mitmaker, L.,Andrews, G.J.(2005). Integrating complementary and alternative medicine with primary care through public health to improve chronic disease management. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine: 2, 1 1012
Willison, K.D.,Andrews G., Cockerham W. (2005). Life chance characteristics of older Swedish Massage Therapy users and former users. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 11, 4, 232-241
Andrews, G. J.and Phillips D R (2005) Petit Bourgeois healthcare? The big small-business of private complementary medical practice Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 11, 87-104
Andrews, G. J., Peters, E. & Hammond, R. (2005) Receiving money for medicine: some tensions and resolutions for community-based private complementary therapists. In Lee-Treweek G, Heller T, Katz J and Spurr S (eds) Perspectives on complementary and alternative medicine: a reader Routledge London
Andrews, G. J.& Hammond, R. (2005) Small business private complementary medicine: therapists employment profiles and their pathways to practice in Lee-Treweek G, Heller T, Katz J and Spurr S (eds) Perspectives on complementary and alternative medicine: a reader Routledge London
Andrews G Jand Boon H (2005) CAM in Canada: places, practices, research. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 11, 1, 21-27
Andrews, G. J., Wiles J Miller K, L. (2004) The geographical study of complementary medicine: perspectives and prospects Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery 10, 3, 175-185
Andrews, G. J.(2004) In the spirit of the policy agenda?: private complementary therapists attitudes to working in the NHS. Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery 10, 4, 217-22
Andrews, G. J.& Hammond, R. (2004) Small business private complementary medicine: therapists employment profiles and their pathways to practice. Primary Health Care Research and Development. 5, 40-51
Andrews, G. J.(2004) (Re)thinking the dynamic between healthcare and place: therapeutic geographies in treatment and care practices Area 36, 3, 307-318
Willison K andAndrews G J(2004) Complementary medicine and older people: past research and future directions Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery 10, 2, 80-91
Andrews, G. J.(2003) Placing the consumption of private complementary medicine: everyday geographies of older peoples use Health and Place, 9, 337-349
Andrews, G. J., Peters, E. & Hammond, R. (2003) Receiving money for medicine: some tensions and resolutions for community-based private complementary therapists Health and Social Care in the Community, 11, 2, 155-168
Andrews, G. J.(2003). Nurses who left the NHS to practice private complementary medicine. Why did they leave? Would they return? Journal of Advanced Nursing 41,1 - 13
Andrews, G. J.(2002) Private complementary medicine and older people: service use and user empowerment. Ageing and Society, 22, 343-368.

Short Sections

Pearce J, Andrews G J, Crooks V (2018) Introducing perspectives and debates. In Crooks V, Andrews G J, Pearce J (eds) Routledge handbook of health geography. Routledge
Andrews G J, Crooks V , Pearce J (2018) Introducing theories and concepts. In Crooks V, Andrews G J, Pearce J (eds) Routledge handbook of health geography. Routledge
Pearce J, Andrews, G J, Crooks V (2018) Introducing groups and peoples. In Crooks V, Andrews G J, Pearce J (eds) Routledge handbook of health geography. Routledge
Crooks V, Andrews, G J, Pearce J (2018) Introducing places and spaces. In Crooks V, Andrews G J, Pearce J (eds) Routledge handbook of health geography. Routledge
Andrews G J, Crooks V, Pearce J (2018) Introducing practicing health geographies. In Crooks V, Andrews G J, Pearce J (eds) Routledge handbook of health geography. Routledge
Adams J,Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P (2012) Profile, demographics, and motivations for alternative and complementary medicine use: introduction. in Adams J, Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P. (eds) Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An International Reader. London. Palgrave MacMillan
Adams J,Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P (2012) Complementary and alternative medicine through the life cycle: introduction. In Adams J, Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P. (eds) Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An International Reader. London. Palgrave MacMillan
Adams J,Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P (2012) Traditional, complementary and integrative medicine and disease context: introduction. In Adams J, Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P. (eds) Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An International Reader. London. Palgrave MacMillan
Adams J,Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P (2012) Traditional medicine in context: introduction. In Adams J, Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P. (eds) Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An International Reader. London. Palgrave MacMillan
Adams J,Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P (2012) Exploring the complementary and alternative medicine- conventional medicine interface: introduction. In Adams J, Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P. (eds) Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An International Reader. London. Palgrave MacMillan
Adams J,Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P (2012) Integrative medicine: introduction. In Adams J, Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P. (eds) Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An International Reader. London. Palgrave MacMillan
Adams J,Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P (2012). Evidence, safety, regulation: introduction. In Adams J, Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P. (eds) Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An International Reader. London. Palgrave MacMillan
Adams J,Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P (2012). Traditional, complementary and integrative medicine in perspective: introduction. In Adams J, Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P. (eds) Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An International Reader. London. Palgrave MacMillan
Adams J,Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P (2012).Future agendas key debates and themes: introduction. In Adams J, Andrews G J, Barnes J, Broom A, Magin P. (eds) Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An International Reader. London. Palgrave MacMillan
Andrews G J(2008) Historiography In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods.
Andrews G J(2008) Checklists In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods.
Andrews G J(2008) Ethnograph In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods.
Andrews G Jand Linehan D (2007) Geography in Robbins P The Encyclopedia of Environment & Society. SAGE New York
Andrews G Jand Linehan D (2007) Health in Robbins P The Encyclopedia of Environment & Society. SAGE New York
Andrews G Jand Linehan D (2007) Maps in Robbins P The Encyclopedia of Environment & Society. SAGE New York
Andrews G Jand Linehan D (2007) National Geographic Society in Robbins P The Encyclopedia of Environment & Society. SAGE New York
Andrews G Jand Linehan D (2007) Postcolonialism in Robbins P The Encyclopedia of Environment & Society. SAGE New York
Andrews G Jand Linehan D (2007) Regions in Robbins P The Encyclopedia of Environment & Society. SAGE New York
Andrews G Jand Linehan D (2007) Social Capital in Robbins P The Encyclopedia of Environment & Society. SAGE New York
Andrews G Jand Linehan D (2007) Margaret Thatcher in Robbins P The Encyclopedia of Environment & Society. SAGE New York
Andrews G Jand Linehan D (2007) World Health Organization in Robbins P The Encyclopedia of Environment & Society. SAGE New York
Andrews G Jand Linehan D (2007) Ireland in Robbins P The Encyclopedia of Environment & Society. SAGE New York

Research Reports

McGillis Hall, L., MacDonald-Rencz, S., Peterson, J., Price, S., Lalonde, M.,Andrews, G., Johnson, S., & Harris, A. (2013) Moving to Action: Evidence-Based Retention and Recruitment Initiatives for Nursing. ON: Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement.
McGillis Hall, L., Peterson J Price, SAndrews G J, Lalonde M Johnson S Harris A and. MacDonald-Rencz.S (2012). Moving to Action: Evidence-Based Retention and Recruitment Policy Initiatives for Nursing. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Health Services Research Foundation.
Hillan E,Andrews G J, Nincic V (2010) The spatial diffusion and career-path infusion of newly qualified nursing labour: A comparison of six programs in Canada. Canadian Health Services Research Foundation
Andrews, G. J., Andrews, J. P. Brodie, D., Rixon, L. & Thomas, G. (2003) First destination studies: An investigation into the locational factors effecting the career choices of nurses. National Health Service: West London Workforce Development Confederation
Brodie, D., Macken, D. &Andrews, G.(2002). Clients assessment of Age Concerns advocacy service. Age Concern Buckinghamshire, Aylesbury.
Gavin, N.,Andrews, G. J.& Brodie, D. (2002). Listening to older people: An evaluation of a forum in the Beaconsfield district. Age Concern Buckinghamshire, Aylesbury.
Andrews, G. J., Begley, S. & Macken, D. (2001). Clients assessment of Age Concerns home visiting/befriending scheme. Age Concern Buckinghamshire, Aylesbury.
Andrews, G. J.& Macken, D. (2001). Listening to older people: An evaluation of a Forum in Buckingham and district. Age Concern Buckinghamshire, Aylesbury.
Phillips, D. R. &Andrews, G. J.(1997). Spatial Health Research in Africa: A review of the recent literature. Interim report to World Health Organisation. 97:1

Papers in Professional Journals

Wiles, J. L., & Andrews, G. J. (2020) The meanings and materialities of “home” for older people. Generations. Summer 2020
Skinner M andAndrews G J(2009) On the disciplinary intersections of geographical and gerontology. Trent University Centre for Health Studies. Showcase 13-1
Andrews, G. J.(2002). First destination studies: An investigation into the factors affecting the first career choices of nurses. Research Matters, Spring 2002
Andrews, G. J.(1998). The changing fortunes of the private residential sector for elderly people: Owners ride the storm of care reforms. Caring Times, June 1998.
Andrews, G. J.(1998). The changing fortunes of the private residential sector for elderly people: A view of a local business sector. Caring Times, May 1998.
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